HIIT Workout: Feelin’ the Burn + Other Thoughts on Boutique Fitness

As a runner I never really felt the need to check out boutique fitness classes or experiment with different kinds of training. If I could find a track of a trail I was good to go (with some weight lifting here and there). Because I no longer run competitively – unfortunately my highschool glory days are over- I’ve started branching out…with mixed results.

My first foray into the boutique fitness scene was with SoulCycle. Luckily all men and women in Columbia Greek life have free access to select SoulCycle classes for 1 entire month during the academic year, so for me it was a no brainer to get a group of uninitiated cyclers to sweat it out on the bike.

SoulCycle was everything I had expected: the heat was cranked up (which I was thankful for because it was mid February at this point), the room was dark, the trainer enthusiastically encouraged us to “REALLY PUSH IT,” and by the end of it I had the felt the burn. So, all in all it was a good experience- I worked out, hung out with friends, and didn’t have to run in the bitter cold that day.

After enjoying a couple rounds at SoulCycle, I was hooked on experimenting with different kinds of training. Right before going back to school I was able to experience my first HIIT group fitness class thanks to Chelsea Collective, a fabulous lifestyle/fitness boutique located in Tysons Corner, and Crunch Fitness!

Chelsea Collective is a new lifestyle/fitness boutique located in Tysons' Corner!

Chelsea Collective is a new lifestyle/fitness boutique located in Tysons’ Corner!

As a HIIT first timer I had no idea what to expect out of this class… but I knew that I would feel the burn at the end of the 1-hour session! Thanks to the energetic trainers and the DJ who supplied all the fast paced music my mother and I managed to make it through the multiple intervals of squats, push-ups, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers.

At the end of the sweat session the lovely people at Chelsea Collective also provided the group with tasty Chia Bars from Health Warrior and a half pint of South Block Juice Co’s “Glow” juice. Mom and I immediately sipped on the “Glow”  and tested out the Acai Berry and Coconut bars because we had foolishly forgone breakfast before the work out…never again will I forget to eat – you have to eat calories to burn ‘em! Once we came home we also snacked on protein packed peanut butter bites (the recipe will be up soon, so check it out!)

The tastiest of workout fuel. South Block Juice Co's "Glow" and Health Warriors Acai Berry Chia Bar.

The tastiest of workout fuel. South Block Juice Co’s “Glow” and Health Warriors Acai Berry Chia Bar.

For more on HIIT workouts check the out Shape’s article on its benefits and then give Popsugar’s 20 minute workout a try!

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